Tuesday 27 February 2018

Why You Need to Have a Height Adjustable Desk at Work for Improved Health and Efficiency

Except you are isolated from the world, or have gone to the native forest life, you would have most likely heard the contemporary take on the modern office life – ‘Your Chair is Killing You’, or ‘Sitting is the New Smoking’. Sitting for longer than natural at your job is no more a luxury but a big health hazard.

Health Effects of Longer Sitting Hours

When we witnessed an increase in office jobs and seated computer work, it was assumed to be a big achievement, an evolution and advancement over the traditional standing, tiring labor work. But now it is swinging the other way. Experts assess the office inactivity is definitely leading to increased health risks for people. In fact, according to several studies it has been found that sitting for over 6 hours at the job has increased mortality rate by approx. 40%.

Different health risks caused by such working condition includes obesity, low blood sugar levels, increased heart risks, back pain, reduced alertness and energy levels, and much more.

Most Suitable Solution – Ergonomic Sit-Stand Desks 

While many can argue about leaving the office desk job, or some other answers; but when it comes to finding the solution to health perils of sitting jobs, it does not mean to altogether get away from such working places. With advancement in technology and architectural excellence, you do not have to part with your career.

The most suitable solution is to go for an ergonomic sit stand desk. With ergonomic we mean anything that is designed to provide comfort in the working environment and improved efficiency. A height adjustable standing desk provides just the right alternative as it helps you to switch between the different working positions and body postures that result in less discomfort and increased productivity.

What needs to be Remembered When Using Sit-Stand Desks?

When using an adjustable height desk, the better the height adjustment, the better it is for your health. You need to be aware of the fact that movement variation is the key to ensure healthiness. Do focus upon the weight re-positioning and weight redistribution to maintain a stress-free body at your job.

Many people have a misconception that an ergonomic desk is a standing desk. You need to understand that it is not a standing desk but a height adjustable desktop standing desk, which you can adjust according to your comfort keeping the height at the best health-friendly level.